“Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel.”

– Jim Stovall



Youth Exchange offers the opportunity for groups of young people from different countries to meet and learn about each other’s cultures. For all groups the exchange will be a life experience where they will have an intercultural exchange with other participants. Groups of young people from different countries meet and live together to carry out a series of activities focusing on a theme that is relevant for them. These activities are planned and prepared by the organization and the participants involved in the project. The more young people are involved in the process, the more they learn trough their involvement.

Our methods allow young people with special emphasis on those with fewer opportunities, to experience exchanges, cooperative learning, cultural and civic action in a European context in order to strengthen their personal skills and develop and use their core values.

The exchanges are open to young people aged 13-29, having residence in one of the European countries, and last from 5 to 21 days. The exchanges take place in one of the EU member states or associated countries.

How to apply?
Open calls are being published through our social media channels (Facebook), the European youth platforms and Salto. Please follow the open call guidelines that contain all information on the opportunities available, as well as how to apply.

Who can apply?
Residents/young people in the age of 13-29 living in the Netherlands.

Youngsters/Participants (other than Netherlands) interested in taking part in a youth exchange need to apply via one of the participating sending partner organizations. You can contact us via email for their details.

The preparation days are mandatory and take place one month before the exchange. In past projects, we have seen how many participants knew how to raise extra funds during the preparation days. They found creative ways by organizing music or theater performances, and raised extra funds through selling entrance tickets. This type of co-funding is required to participate in our youth exchanges. In other cases we will require a participation fee as a form of co-funding.

Many of our projects are being co-financed by Erasmus+, an educational program of the European Union. The CO-financing means that there is a requirement that recipients of the Erasmus+ projects are expected to contribute a certain amount of resources. Unlike most organizations, we do not receive further support from government or municipality. Therefore, our co-funding exists of a participation fee. For a Youth Exchange in the Netherlands the lump sum amount is 25 euro. Other destinations will be between 30-100 euro (year 2024-2025) depending on the EU-destination and/or funds raised during our preparations.

What’s included?
The participation fee includes a travel/flight ticket to the venue within EU, accommodation and food during the project.


TRAININGS eu/national

The general idea of our youth workers mobilities such as trainings, seminars or CME’s (contact making events) aim to contribute to increasing the impact and quality of youth work by developing the competences of youth workers, teachers, educators and those active in the youth sector.

Attendees get the opportunity to exchange best practices and experiences on what are the most crucial challenges they are dealing with in relation to value-based education at local level. The trainings provide a space for identifying areas they would like to work on more. They will develop new skills for working on concrete values and changing the attitudes through good quality non-formal learning process such as design of youth work tools, games, facilitation, etc.

Our main role in the youth workers trainings and seminars is to co-ordinate and facilitate the sharing of experience among the participants and organizations. We encourage educators, teachers, youth workers and those active in the youth field to reflect on what makes a youth project sustainable with a focus on empowerment, life skills, entrepreneurship and creativity.

Our trainings last from 2–12 days, and take place in one of the participating countries. These projects include max. 40 people.

How do we work?
Participants from the Netherlands (18+ no age limit) who are interested in taking part can only apply for a youth workers mobility (Training Course, Seminars or CME Contact Making Events), if they are actively involved in our organization. Our youth workers and volunteers will get the opportunity to develop their skills and competences on personal level. At the same time, gained knowledge and experience will be brought back to organizational level in order to implement new future activities together.

Youth workers/Participants (other than Netherlands) interested in taking part in one of our trainings need to apply via one of the participating sending partner organizations. You can contact us via email for their details.

How to connect as an organization?
For future projects, we will contact our existing list of partner organizations with whom we have organized successful projects before.

Available opportunities for new partnerships are being published through open calls on our social media channels (Facebook), the European youth platforms and Salto. Please follow the open call guidelines that contain all information on the opportunities available, how to connect as an organization, and the content of the project. Organisations can connect with us for the following roles:

  • Coordinator and Host of a youth mobility project; We will apply on behalf of all organization and are responsible for hosting, facilitating and development of the activities;
  • Coordinator; We will apply on behalf of all organizations, the youth mobility takes place in any of the other partner countries;
  • Sending Organization; We will be in charge of sending of our youth workers or volunteers (TC/CME/Seminars) or groups of young people (Youth Exchanges);
  • Our Trainers are available to help you with the implementation and facilitation of your youth mobility projects. Our trainers are qualified to help you improve the learnings at your receiving organization. They have the following fields of training expertise; Youth empowerment through non formal learning, youth entrepreneurs, Creativity and Arts and life skills. If you need a trainer for your activities in the youth field, please contact us by phone or email.



When we talk about mobility, we mean gaining experience abroad. Through cooperation partnerships we share knowledge, collaborate and develop new insights together or exchange best practices. Our collaborations include education, public bodies, religious institutions and the youth sectors.

The primary goal of cooperation partnerships is to allow organizations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods. Participating organizations and participants involved in the activities take an active role in all those stages and thus enhance their learning experience.

Projects aim at supporting international cooperation in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development and well-being among youth organizations and young people. Organizations from third countries not associated to the Programme can be involved as partners if their participation brings an essential added value to the project.

As entities, we believe that volunteering is a fundamental tool through which to involve young people and to lead them to serve in their communities and promote the development of new values. We encourage the involvement of young people in the transformation of their communities. Volunteering introduces them to new people, cultures and skills while helping others. The international experience gained from volunteering abroad can also lead to career opportunities that will take them all over the world! Our volunteering projects are available in Europe and Africa.

Organizations can contact us for available opportunities for Cooperation Partnership projects describing the format and purpose in the proposed activities. We support proposals working with young people outside formal learning in one or more of the following thematic areas:

  • Digital and entrepreneurial skills;
  • Rule of law and values, youth leadership;
  • Empowerment, engagement, employability;
  • Young people with fewer opportunities.




We focus on cultural and social exchange projects that offer young people from different cultures the opportunity to broaden their horizons and discover new perspectives. These exchanges are open to participants from all cultural backgrounds, promoting a rich exchange of ideas and experiences.

The exchanges aim to strengthen the identity and sense of community among young people while helping them develop new skills that assist in their integration into the broader society. These activities primarily take place in the region of Amsterdam and North Holland. Through cultural activities, volunteering service and workshops, young people learn about each other’s heritage, traditions, and customs, which not only fosters greater mutual understanding but also enriches them with a variety of social and life skills. The cultural exchanges also instill a sense of pride in their cultural backgrounds, inspiring the next generation to become engaged citizens who are not only proud of their roots but also contribute to a diverse society.

Our collaboration with local and international partners ensures that young people can grow in a supportive environment and take advantage of new opportunities.




This program is a mentor program aimed at young people in Amsterdam who are facing challenges such as behavioral problems, addictions, and vulnerable home situations. It offers coaching and guidance, with experienced mentors working alongside a multidisciplinary team of experts in youth interventions and social issues. Some of our mentors are specialized in the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) program, which equips them to effectively support youth with complex backgrounds, including those with repeated criminal behavior or addiction.

The goal is to provide tailored support for young people, focusing on social and life skills development, preventing them from further marginalization in society. We create a safe environment where youth learn to manage the challenges in their lives, work on personal growth, and prepare for a successful and more stable life in their communities. Fall Forward is not only focused on short-term solutions but also on preventing future problems by teaching sustainable skills and helping them discover talents, increasing their long-term chances on the labor market.

“It’s going to take hard work and there will be setbacks, but if I fall, I will fall forward. Falling forward means that I am still progress. It means that I am learning. And it means that I can pick myself up and keep on going. When you get it, reach back pull someone else up.” (D. Washington)

Our collaboration with local and national organizations, as well as a multidisciplinary team allows us to organize targeted activities that address the specific needs of these young people. We operate in neighborhoods such as Amsterdam North and Center, engaging youth in practical workshops, social entrepreneurship projects, and initiatives aimed at encouraging active participation in society.



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